

Our Government is Either Weak or Incompetent

Every day I see reports about insurance companies that are radically increasing the amounts they charge for health insurance premiums. That doesn’t seem very affordable. Every day, there are patients that come to the Surgery Center of Oklahoma that have these...

Benjamin Rush Medical Students Need Our Help!

Hello, Dr. Keith Smith with you on behalf of the Free Market Medical Association. I know that I speak for Jay Kempton and the rest of the staff at the Free Market Medical Association when I say that one of the most exciting things about our conference is the look in...

This Is How Bundled Prices Are Set

Industry insiders have told me that the only thing more remarkable than the fact that our prices are online for all to see is that they’re bundled. That means the surgeon, anesthesia facility charges are all rolled into one number, one price. I thought I would give...

Should we mandate price transparency?

This past October, I was asked to appear before the Florida Governor’s Commission on Healthcare and Hospital Funding to discuss the development and effects of price transparency initiatives (Surgery Center of Oklahoma’s, in particular) here in Oklahoma. My first...

Healthcare: sleazier than a used car salesman

I wanted to pass along a story about an experience I had at a car dealership. I found a car online with a priced attached and went to the dealership and make a very strong offer. The dealer countered with his list price. We he realized how strong my offer was he...

Dr. Smith to speak at PA conference in May

Interest in the power and effect of transparent and direct pricing within the self-funded community continues to grow at an incredible pace, evidence for which includes the speaking invitation I have accepted from the Ebix Health User Group’s Conference May 4-6 in...

The State of Oklahoma’s exciting new healthcare plan

Congratulations are due to the many people who ushered through the agreement that is now effective between the self-funded health plan of the State of Oklahoma and facilities like the Surgery Center of Oklahoma that have embraced price honesty. Patients that come here...

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons and Anesthesiologists | Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons & Anesthesiologists

Specialists and surgeons from all of Oklahoma’s top healthcare systems choose to operate here.

  • Anesthesiology
  • Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology)
  • Foot and Ankle
  • General Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery
  • Orthopedics
  • Reconstructive Plastics
  • Urology