Benjamin Rush Medical Students Need Our Help!

Benjamin Rush Medical Students Need Our Help!

Hello, Dr. Keith Smith with you on behalf of the Free Market Medical Association.

I know that I speak for Jay Kempton and the rest of the staff at the Free Market Medical Association when I say that one of the most exciting things about our conference is the look in the eyes of the medical students who attend. These free market ideas in the heads of medical students will create the doctors of the future that we think will take the best care of patients.

The leader in making sure that medical students are exposed to free market ideas is the Benjamin Rush Institute – a big supporter of the Free Market Medical Association.

Last year, I made an appeal through a video blog like this to any and all of you who may be interested in sponsoring a medical student in their attendance at this conference. This year, I’m just going to ask that any and all of you watching this or reading this will consider sending a donation of any size to help sponsor a medical student (or several medical students) to attend this conference.

This is a very exciting time, but there is nothing more exciting than seeing young people embrace these ideas.

The address, if you’re interested, to which you would send your donation is:

Free Market Medical Association
13431 Broadway Extension, Suite 130
Oklahoma City, OK 73114

You can also donate online at

Please give this some consideration. Last year, there were several of us who generously supported students attending this conference and I hope many of you watching this will join us this year to do the same. Thank you for joining me. We will see you hopefully at the Free Market Medical Association Conference this summer.