

There are 2 types of healthcare buyers

I’ve decided there are two types of buyers of health care in the United States. There are those who care what health care costs and there are those who don’t. Ask the average person how much they pay for their gallbladder surgery. They’ll likely scratch their head and...

Medical Care vs. Health Care

Let’s talk for a minute about medical care vs healthcare. My friends at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, an organization to which every physician should belong, have made the distinction between these two phrases very clear. Physicians, after all,...

What if hospitals didn’t rip people off?

Have you ever been in your car on a trip and your car broke down and you were fortunate enough to encounter a mechanic who could have charged you whatever he wanted? He could have ripped you off, but he didn’t. He charged you a fair price and got you on our way. You...

Beware of opportunists

Some of my favorite authors, historical or fiction, are those who knew their writings would land them in jail, their careers would be destroyed or worse. I figured these people meant what they said and they felt strongly enough about it that they wrote it anyway,...

Why I want to help my competitors

Our most recent meeting was a wild success and the videos of all of the presentations will be online very soon at, there will also be an announcement of the location and dates of next year’s meeting. The most meaningful and poignant part of the conference for...

Beware of ‘Population Health Management’

I recently was made aware of a new phrase in the healthcare industry: population health management. This sounds benign enough but it should be very scary, particularly for anyone watching this that has any underlying medical problems. Let me tell you why. If you don’t...

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons and Anesthesiologists | Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons & Anesthesiologists

Specialists and surgeons from all of Oklahoma’s top healthcare systems choose to operate here.

  • Anesthesiology
  • Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology)
  • Foot and Ankle
  • General Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery
  • Orthopedics
  • Reconstructive Plastics
  • Urology