Big Government

Big Government

Prohibition and “Medicare for All”

“Alvin Lowi, writing in 2008, made a compelling case that Prohibition was never repealed, but rather, that Al Capone and Uncle Sam merely traded places. Without a doubt, brutal consequences await anyone who attempts to skirt the taxes and tribute demanded by the D.C....

Lies you believe wrap-up

Hello, Dr. Keith Smith here on behalf of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, thank you for joining me. We have come to the end of the “Lies you believe” series. I have unlearned, as Joe Sobran used to say, many things during the production of this series. I have had to...

Don’t believe the “single-payer system” hype

Don’t believe the “single-payer system” hype

 Hello, Dr. Keith Smith with you here on behalf of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, thank you for joining me. Here’s a lie that many of you believe: single-payer in the United States, a system of that type would result in all the insurance companies being kicked to...

Beware of “safety nets” in health care

Hello, Dr. Keith Smith with you here on behalf of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, thank you for joining me. Here’s a lie many of you have been told, but I doubt that many of you believe: those of us who are advocating the principles of the free market and medical care...

We need to uncomplicate the health care system

Hello, Dr. Keith Smith with you here on behalf of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, thank you for joining me. It appears that the folks in Washington D.C. have discovered that the health care industry is complicated. Well, you and I both know that it is complicated...

What a Trump presidency means for the future of healthcare

What a Trump presidency means for the future of healthcare

I’ve been asked many times in the last few days, what the results of the latest election drama mean for healthcare going forward in the United States. I’ve looked at Mr. Trump’s healthcare plan and find the most fascinating part to be the constant theme of repeal. In...

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons and Anesthesiologists | Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons & Anesthesiologists

Specialists and surgeons from all of Oklahoma’s top healthcare systems choose to operate here.

  • Anesthesiology
  • Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology)
  • Foot and Ankle
  • General Surgery
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  • Gynecology
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  • Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery
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  • Urology