I wanted to pass along a story about an experience I had at a car dealership. I found a car online with a priced attached and went to the dealership and make a very strong offer. The dealer countered with his list price. We he realized how strong my offer was he thought he could get more money out of me by not budging from his list price. What he had to say was interesting. He said that there was actually a mistake and that the list price listed online was incorrect and should have been thousands of dollars higher. He then told me that he would honor the list price even though I was saving thousands and thousands of dollars and talked about all of the money he was saving me. He basically was creating a false savings out of thin air.
I laughed and I left. As I walked out I realized how unethical this was and, by the way, they still haven’t changed the price of the vehicle on their website.
But as I thought about it I realized that healthcare is worse. I did not have to buy that car to find out what it cost. They actually listed a price online; most people don’t. As anyone who is watching this knows that we do. There are more and more people that are listing prices for healthcare on their websites. It’s a very exciting development in the United States that is really sweeping the country. I wanted to pass along this story because as unethical as this experience was, it really drove home to me how much more unethical it is for those in the healthcare industry who are unwilling to show their prices.
Thank you for joining me we will see you next time.