Hello, Dr. Keith Smith with you here on behalf of the Free Market Medical Association (FMMA), thank you for joining me.
I know I speak on behalf of Jay Kempton, when I thank each and everyone one of you for traveling to Oklahoma City for our most recent conference – a conference that any attendee, I believe, would characterize as a wild success.
I have two thoughts that I’d like to share with you, that I’ve had since the conference; The first is that I believe that without the FMMA (both at the national level and at the state chapter level), the forum that is necessary for buyers and sellers to directly communicate wouldn’t exist. It is very important that we keep this in mind and that we understand and appreciate this opportunity where buyers and sellers truly can communicate directly with only those intermediaries in the room that will facilitate change and these conversations.
I witnessed this at our conference. Our national conference is this exhibited on steroids. The local chapters have also created forums where these conversations can occur. These conversations are very important, because nothing is more threatening to the cronies and the bad guys, than honest and open conversation.
The second that I had is that I’d like to share with you about the large number of people at the conference that I spoke to who still have one foot in each camp. They are still dealing with the delivery of medical services or the purchase of medical services in the old, traditional ways. One foot in the cesspool, as one attendee put it. They have their other foot in this free market space and that is what helps many people sleep better at night, because there aren’t winners and losers in a free market exchange, since it is mutually beneficial.
I would like to congratulate each and every one of the individuals with whom I had this conversation, because they are all dedicated to pulling their one foot out of the muck and moving completely into the free market space. Congratulations to you, one and all!
These are two thoughts I had after the conference which truly was an astonishing success and we all look forward to next year.
Thank you for joining me, we’ll see you next time.