Here’s a lie that you’ve been told and likely that you believe: “all of this transparent, online, bundled pricing… that’s good enough or my hernia surgery, maybe my gallbladder surgery, maybe my face lift, but that’s no good for me because I have some chronic disease that needs management and I need to see a physician all the time.”
I would encourage any of you who have been told this or have had this thought to do an internet search for “Direct Primary Care.”
Two of the heroes in the United States that are physicians are the fathers of this movement. One is my friend Lee Gross in Florida and the other is Josh Umber in Wichita, Kansas. Lee founded Epiphany Health, Josh founded Atlas M.D. Both are similar but slightly different models that are free market models for primary care delivery.
Basically, you pay a subscription fee every month which allows you unlimited access to these physicians. Think about that. If you’ve been newly diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension, lupus, any number of illnesses that require multiple medical visits chronically, this is the set up for you.
I would encourage you to check out Direct Primary Care. Look at the various models that are out there. One of them is likely for you.
Thank you for joining me.