

Swedes Privatizing Health Care

Keep this link handy whenever you hear someone spew “the wonders of socialized medicine in other industrialized nations.”  The myth of the Canadian health care utopia has been effectively dealt with in countless articles and patient accounts of care denial...

“The Affordable Coffee Act”

I discovered the writing of Eric Peters, like many other of my favorites, on, my favorite libertarian website.  Here is an insightful look at Obamacare from Mr. Peter’s viewpoint.  Here he uses the devastating analytical tool of reductio ad...

“Doctor, do I really need that?”

Want to know why big hospital systems are buying physician (particularly primary care physician) practices as fast as they can?  Open this link and scroll down to page 6.  Now before you get huffy about these “rich doctors” let me clarify what these...

Nock Again

The legendary investor, Victor Niederhoffer (good article about him here), and the benefactor of the remarks I recently delivered in Manhattan, quoted extensively from Albert Jay Nock while addressing the gathered crowd prior to my speech.  (Chris Tucker reviewed my...

Dr. Jeffrey Singer: Obamacare’s Nemesis

Dr. Jeffrey Singer, a general surgeon practicing in Arizona and an adjunct scholar a the CATO Institute, wrote this blockbuster piece following Il Duce’s state of the union address.  After reading this you may wish as I did that Representative Joe Wilson of...

Mandated Price Transparency in OK, Part 2

Here is the interview I did with the “Muskogee Phoenix,” regarding the mandated price transparency now being proposed here in Oklahoma.  In all fairness to Rep. Hulbert, he seems like a good guy and is no doubt well-intentioned.  I fault him on only one...

Free Market Health Care Proliferating

This is what I am talking about!!  Dr. Bill Grant and his physician partners have successfully navigated the mine field prepared for them by the Virginia health cartel and their paid central planning agents in the state government.  The certificate of need laws in...

Upcoming Talk in NYC

Several months ago I was invited by Gene Epstein (book editor for “Barrons Magazine” and father of Jim Epstein, the mastermind of this video about our facility) to speak to Victor Niederhoffer’s New York City “Junto”at 8pm, February 6th....

Am I Dreaming? Did He Really Say That?

This article is a bombshell.  It is one thing for me to write on this blog that I think the healthcare price transparency movement is growing and unstoppable.  It is another thing for a representative of the big hospitals to say that those who don’t embrace...

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons and Anesthesiologists | Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons & Anesthesiologists

Specialists and surgeons from all of Oklahoma’s top healthcare systems choose to operate here.

  • Anesthesiology
  • Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology)
  • Foot and Ankle
  • General Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery
  • Orthopedics
  • Reconstructive Plastics
  • Urology