

Bitcoin, Pigs and Chickens

Here is a link to my interview with the local CBS affiliate, KWTV regarding my willingness to accept bitcoin.  While I was pleased that my dig at the Federal Reserve was included in the story, I wanted to expand on some points that I had made, but proved too difficult...

Mises Institute’s Peter Klein

Here is an example of how those at the Mises Institute have brought common sense to economics.  It wasn’t until I read Henry Hazlitt’s “Economics in One Lesson,” that I realized that most of what is called “economics” is imminently...

Michael Miller Writing for Samaritan Ministries

Not sure how I missed this but here is Michael Miller’s article about our facility written late last year.  We are seeing more and more of the beneficiaries of the Samaritan Ministries cost-sharing arrangement, a true alternative to health insurance for those of...

Broken Nose “redux.”

A long time Facebook friend and follower, Rocky Pruitt had the following insight on my “Broken Nose” blog, his insight providing a valuable glimpse into exactly what is wrong with “healthcare” in this country.  Here is a link to the blog to...

“If you like your scam, you can keep it.”

A patient that wanted to have their procedure at our facility this week had asked us to file insurance for them.  What we discovered when we called the insurance company on her behalf to discover the nature of her “benefits” is what has moved me to write...

“My Nose is Broke!” “And Now I am, too.”

For $1900 we fixed a young man’s broken nose yesterday, a procedure for which he was quoted $20,000 at a local “not for profit” hospital.  (Keep in mind that our price included the surgeon’s and anesthesiologist’s fees while the hospital...

A Free Market Primary Care Model, Courtesy Dr. Lee Gross

Jordan Bruneau, writing for the Foundation for Economic Education has written a brilliant article highlighting the practice of Dr. Lee Gross.  In my opinion the beauty of Dr. Gross’s model is that it provides for and has anticipated the need for a transition to...

Exploring Defiance

Two of my favorite Latin phrases with translations follow.  The first, a quote from Virgil, was the life motto of Ludwig von Mises: Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.  ”Do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it.” The second...

“Stop Resisting Obamacare!”

Peter Suderman of Reason Magazine has written a great piece here, one that summarizes the fact that this “law of the land” is no such thing, as far as the current administration sees things.  Not only do large parts of the “law” remain...

My Interview with Dr. Elaina George

I thought many of you would find interesting my interview with Dr. Elaina George yesterday. This hour long interview covered a wide range of healthcare topics. Thanks to Dr. George and her staff for having me on their show. Click Here to Listen G. Keith Smith, M.D.

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