

Squandering Taxpayer Loot

If you are looking for proof of the fact that the wonderful folks in D.C. are more interested in lining the pockets of their pals than demonstrating good stewardship of the loot from the robbery of taxation, look no further than this article.  The folks at CMS...

Central Planning Gets a Black Eye

Lindsay Dunn, writing here for The Daily Beat Blog, a healthcare blog site associated with Becker’s ASC Journal, unintentionally makes the case against central planning of all kinds, quoting the “father of management theory,” Peter Drucker.

HIPPA for you, but not for “them”

This article, which must be read to the very end proves that not only does the Obamacare website have major security issues, but that the incorruptible wonderful well-meaning folks in Washington who care so much about our health and running our lives knew this when...

My New Video Blogs

I have been encouraged by my friends at VI Marketing & Branding, the consultant helping me with social media, to create video blogs, all of which, completed as of today, are linked to in this blog.  I plan to embed all future video blogs into this written blog for...

My interview on Varney and Co. last week

Here is a link to my interview on Fox’s Varney and Co., last week.  Initially skeptical, Mr. Varney came around towards the end of the interview.  If the email response I received from patients looking for an affordable surgical experience is any indication,...

My interview on CNBC

Here is a link to my interview on CNBC last week for those of you interested.  When asked many years ago, what he would do if pronounced king for a day, Ludwig von Mises responded, “abdicate.”  I had this in mind when asked at the end of the interview what...

Some Views on Prices

Many years ago I began to view prices as signals of value, divorced of any emotional baggage.  I came to the conclusion that the only time that a price should elicit anger is if the seller has the buyer over a barrel, an argument some would say applies to health care...

The Criminal Regime’s Double Standard

One of the most compelling and well-written books I have read in a long time is Thomas DiLorenzo’s “Organized Crime: The Unvarnished Truth about Government.”  In almost every chapter he drives home the very simple point that we would never tolerate...

Hit ’em harder, Dan!

Daniel Goldberg and his Free Market Health Group are part of the emerging and growing cast that is introducing physicians to the idea that embracing the discipline of the free market, rather than rejecting or resisting this force, can actually be good for the...

Strong-Arm Leverage or Overhead?

Someone recently told me that a large hospital system “lost” 55 million on the primary care doctors they have hired, but “made” 60 million overall in profit last year.  Let’s look at this closely.

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons and Anesthesiologists | Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons & Anesthesiologists

Specialists and surgeons from all of Oklahoma’s top healthcare systems choose to operate here.

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  • General Surgery
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