

Can’t Argue with “Cheaper and Better.”

I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. William Sage in Austin, Texas a few years ago, not long after launching our price-displaying website. We were part of a roundtable discussion entertaining various healthcare delivery models’ failures and successes. Dr. Sage and I...

Stossel Show “Outtakes”

Here is some of the video produced by the Stossel Show’s talented producer, Rikki Ratliff, interviews and footage not used for the actual show. Hope you enjoy. G. Keith Smith, M.D.

John Stossel’s “Teach Them to Fish.”

Here is a link to the most recent episode of the “Stossel Show,” featuring our facility. Our facility is featured beginning at 32:40 in the episode. Thank you, once again to Mr. Stossel and his fine crew for their hospitality and tireless promotion of free markets. A...

Free Market Medical Association: My Post-Convention Thoughts

Shortly after the first Free Market Medical Association convention, I wrote this piece, a general summary or wrap up of the meeting and its significance. You can read it here. G. Keith Smith, M.D. www.

Many Thanks to the Fearless Brandon Dutcher

My friend, Brandon Dutcher, was kind enough to take two days out of his busy schedule to act as master of ceremonies at our sold out Free Market Medical Association convention recently. While the substance of our meeting has received the highest praise, the flawless...

Charles Sauer Discusses Free Market Health Care

Charles Sauer, co-founder of the Free Market Medical Association (along with Jay Kempton and yours truly) discusses free market health care and our association on the Daily Ledger, here. Thank you Charles for all that you are doing. G. Keith Smith, M.D....

Free Market Medical Association Inaugural Speech

I thought some of you might be interested in the remarks I delivered at this first and sold out conference, one which proves to be even larger next year. This gathering and exchange of ideas represent a nightmare for those who would maintain or increase their grip on...

Tom George of KOKH “Gets it.”

Tom George of KOKH, Oklahoma City’s local Fox affiliate, interviewed me yesterday.  One thing I would like to highlight is that the questions Tom asked me were uniquely different in that they were directed at the price transparency “movement” rather than the...

The Inaugural Free Market Medical Association Convention

Tomorrow afternoon, here in downtown Oklahoma City, the most revolutionary health care thinkers and doers in the country will gather at the sold out first annual convention of the Free Market Medical Association.  The historic Skirvin Hotel will host this two day...

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons and Anesthesiologists | Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons & Anesthesiologists

Specialists and surgeons from all of Oklahoma’s top healthcare systems choose to operate here.

  • Anesthesiology
  • Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology)
  • Foot and Ankle
  • General Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery
  • Orthopedics
  • Reconstructive Plastics
  • Urology