

Obamacare, NASCAR and Medicaid

Every day, people go to Washington, D.C. to rent or buy legislators. (I like the idea that legislators, like NASCAR drivers, should proudly exhibit their sponsors on their suits.) This is nothing new, and only the most naive would believe that the vast majority of...

What the Mises Institute Has Meant to Me

"When someone tells you, ‘ make me so angry,’ be sure to impress upon them that managing your own emotions is job enough and that you cannot assume responsibility for theirs."  This was advice and wisdom from a psychiatrist assigned to teach yours...

My Interview with”Austrian” Albert Lu

Here is a link to my most recent interview with Albert Lu, host of “Power and Market Report.” My segment begins at 26:25 into the show, in case you are strapped for time. For your convenience and if you are wanting more of this, here is a link to my first and previous...

Why you want an alternative if you are “on Medicare”

Years ago I told a U.S. Senator that I was willing to leave everything on the table that I had paid in to Medicare and Social Security and make no future claim on these funds;  I just wanted out.  He admitted to me that everything paid in to these programs goes to...

Dr. Jane Orient: A Paragon of Leadership

To pay tribute to Dr. Jane Orient is increasingly a futile gesture.  No individual has done more to carry the flag for physicians in private practice or for their patients than this indefatigable woman. She has won no popularity contests amongst the intelligentsia in...

“Self-insurance” Explained

If you are a physician, you should watch this. Actually, if you have any interest in understanding what is wrong with health care and what can (and is being) be done about it you should watch. Jay Kempton, the star of the video and one of the co-founders of FMMA (Free...

Greedy, Heartless Free Marketeers?

"What about the poor?" "What about those who fall through the free market cracks?"   "How would your free market ideal care for these folks?"   "You can’t be so cruel and heartless to be against a social safety net, can you?" These are questions I commonly...

New Healthcare Crony Attempt to Crash the Free Market Party

Riding in to rescue the victims of Obamacare and other government healthcare schemes are guess who?  The legislators? The regulators? Don’t make me laugh. It is the growing group of healthcare free marketeers.  The celebration following the receipt of an Obamacare...

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons and Anesthesiologists | Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Top Surgeons & Anesthesiologists

Specialists and surgeons from all of Oklahoma’s top healthcare systems choose to operate here.

  • Anesthesiology
  • Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology)
  • Foot and Ankle
  • General Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery
  • Orthopedics
  • Reconstructive Plastics
  • Urology