Why Medicare Has Tanks and F-16’s

Why Medicare Has Tanks and F-16’s

While you read what I’ve posted below keep in mind that this is a private firm acting as an intermediary between physicians and government to make this understandable! Show this to someone you know who thinks we need more government in medicine.

Good Morning,

Are you worried whether your enrollment is up to date, accurate, and on time? With the recent changes on Medicare provider enrollment requirements, that came out in the last quarter of 2011, it’s difficult to know exactly what to do next, how to do it, and when. And you know a single mistake on your Medicare enrollment could cost you big.

Join expert speaker, Duane C. Abbey, Ph.D., CFP on Friday, August 10, 2012for On Demand Webinar – “Medicare Enrollment, PECOS And the CMS-855“.He will review the Medicare enrollment process through the use of the various CMS-855 forms, plus simplifies internet based PECOS process, and discover potential problem areas.

Sessions include:

       a.    To review the Medicare enrollment process through the use of the various CMS-855 forms.
b.    To briefly review the CMS Conditions for Payment (CfPs).
c.    To appreciate the Medicare concerns surrounding billing and payment for services and supplies.
d.    To review the purpose and use of the six different CMS-855 forms.
e.    To understand the common information requirements embedded in the CMS-855 forms.
f.    To understand the 5-year cycle revalidation process.
g.    To appreciate how other required reporting, such as the NPIs and Provider-Based reporting connect with the Medicare enrollment.
h.    To recognize the need to develop organizational resources to maintain multiple CMS-855 forms.
i.    To understand the proper use of the Internet-based PECOS process.
j.    To appreciate current and anticipated changes for maintaining billing privileges with Medicare.
k.    To work through several case studies.
l.    To recognize the need to establish contact with knowledgeable personnel at the Fiscal Intermediary, Carrier and/or geographic MAC.

In Addition:

I.    Conditions for Payment (CfPs)
a.    Definitions – Provider vs. Supplier
b.    Claims Filing Process
c.    Reassignment of Payments
d.    Billing Directives
e.    OIG Investigations Concerning Fraudulent Billing
f.    Revalidation and Billing Credentialing
g.    Opt-Out Physicians and Practitioners
II.    Basic Information Requirements and Concerns
a.    Who are you?
b.    Where you are located?
c.    Who owns you?
d.    Who manages (controls) you?
e.    Special Considerations
f.    How Many 855s Does Your Organization Have?
And more….

NOW GET THE POWER OF TWO:Medicare Enrollment, PECOS And the CMS-855 + Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement.

In addition to this audio conference , get step by step guidance on ICD-10, Stark, OIG reports, PQRS, Managed Care contracting withMedicare Compliance & Reimbursement.This bi-weekly newsletter covers topics such as clarifications on F2F documentation, instructions on audit preparedness, and correct use of modifier 25 to sail past every compliance and reimbursement challenge you encounter at $100 LESS. Plus, get more than 200 archived issues of our newsletter FREE!

LAST CHANCE! Early Bird rate on Medicare Enrollment, PECOS And the CMS-855 webinar and Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement ends on Friday, August 10, 2012. Register with discount code “SAVE20” and SAVE ADDITIONAL$20.

Monica Parker 

G. Keith Smith, M.D.