Many Thanks to the Fearless Brandon Dutcher

Many Thanks to the Fearless Brandon Dutcher

My friend, Brandon Dutcher, was kind enough to take two days out of his busy schedule to act as master of ceremonies at our sold out Free Market Medical Association convention recently. While the substance of our meeting has received the highest praise, the flawless event flow was due to the efforts of Jay Kempton’s team (special mention, Megan Freedman) and Brandon’s vibrant command from the podium.

On Brandon’s blog, he relays a transcript of a radio interview about our convention with the Franklin Institute’s Patrick McGuigan, a long time fan of the free market medical movement.  For a recent example of  Brandon’s gift as a hard hitting writer, here is a piece he wrote for the Mises Institute called, “What the Feds and Bernie Madoff Have in Common.”

Thanks once again Brandon for all that you and your colleagues at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs do to demonstrate the wisdom of the market in all areas of the economy.

G. Keith Smith, M.D.