HIPPA for you, but not for “them”

HIPPA for you, but not for “them”

This article, which must be read to the very end proves that not only does the Obamacare website have major security issues, but that the incorruptible wonderful well-meaning folks in Washington who care so much about our health and running our lives knew this when the site was launched.  Advised about the likely security breaches, those in charge regardless gave the go ahead.  The end of the article shows in detail that the priorities and concerns of the Obamacrats clearly included everything but the welfare and privacy of individuals violated and damaged by the security breaches that were anticipated.  Oh, and don’t neglect the details of their cover up and the claim that national security precluded release of this information, a report by the government’s own GAO.

Before you read this article, I’ll warn you that a stiff drink will help you get through it, particularly if you read the previous link. Herein lies the tale of a victim of an Obamacare breach and the little known fact that well over half of all identity thefts now arise from information on the Healthcare.gov site.  

Once again, any individual in the health care industry that demonstrates the slightest carelessness with patient privacy will likely be bankrupted by HIPPA fines.  But if you are a government apparatchik, well, no amount of recklessness will get you in hot water.  What is criminal for you and I is standard operating procedure for those who claim that our welfare is central to their mission.  As these articles demonstrate, no lie is too great, no scam too bold for those state agents who maintain that our protection, security, well-being and health are their primary concern.

G. Keith Smith, M.D.

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