OCPA’s Jonathan Small on Medical Cronyism in Oklahoma

OCPA’s Jonathan Small on Medical Cronyism in Oklahoma

Phil Cross of Oklahoma City’s Fox affiliate, KOKH, has reported recently on the pricing at our facility and the savings generated for Oklahoma County’s self-funded plan.  Here he interviews my friend Jonathan Small, Vice President for Policy at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, about the recent failed opportunity to bring the type of savings we have brought to County to the State of Oklahoma’s health plan.  Phil and Jonathan boldly delve into how and why the legislation needed to bring taxpayers this savings failed to pass.

After you watch the interview with Jonathan Small you will know why I admire him so much.  Jonathan is a CPA and worked for a brief time in the State government, long enough though, to know where and how the bodies are buried in dirty budget deals.  Kudos once again to Jonathan and the fine staff at OCPA for their hard work holding the lawmakers accountable.

G. Keith Smith, M.D.

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