New American’s William Jasper Captures the Essence of SCO

New American’s William Jasper Captures the Essence of SCO

William Jasper, senior editor of The New American Magazine, has combined his gift as a writer with his recently obtained knowledge about what we are doing at the Surgery Center of Oklahoma.  The result is one of the finest articles I have ever read.  You can read it here.

No other journalistic work has connected the dots better between our passion for the principles of the free market and the real difference we are making in people’s lives.  Even though I have a ring side seat to all that is happening here, I was moved as I read his article.  

Thank you to Mr. Jasper and The New American for this great article and for assisting us in spreading the word about the applicability of market discipline in the health care industry.  

G. Keith Smith, M.D.

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